Block the hatred, share the love with the Council of Europe – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


Block the hatred,
share the love
with the
Council of Europe

25-27 March 2022

Block the hatred, share the love with the Council of Europe

Young European Ambassadors have been a valuable part of the ‘Block the hatred, share the love!’ campaign which is designed by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Union and many more partners in the region. Some of our YEAs already took part in the national launch events of the campaign in Montenegro and North Macedonia.

Now, the time has come for the No hate Speech team to meet in person and discuss new ways and possibilities to spread the message of love and take active actions participance in preventing hate speech in the region.

The workshop will also provide additional learning on youth activism and mobilisation; learning more on the pan-European no-hate speech network and on the work of the Council of Europe and European Union in the area of combating hate speech. Stay tuned on YEA's social media channels and discover more!

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