Episode 3: Coffee with YEA – Aleksandar Ljubomirovic with Sanja Beronja – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


Coffee with YEA

Episode 3

Aleksandar Ljubomirovic with Sanja Beronja

27 August 2021

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About this Event

Watch this episode of “Coffee with YEA” where our Young European Ambassador Aleksandar Ljubomirovic interviews Sanja Beronja.

Sanja Beronja graduated from The Paris School of International Affairs and Sciences Po European campus in Dijon- the same place where the leading European politicians and statesmen – like Francois Hollande, Jacques Chirac, as well as Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former Secretary-General of the United Nations received their education. Sanja sees innovation in education and technological entrepreneurship as drivers of local development and researches and writes about these topics. She lives between Berlin and Paris and is active in those two cities, as well as in her native Belgrade.

Listen to this podcast also on Spotify or watch it on YouTube!

Stay tuned for the upcoming Coffee with YEA episodes on our channels!

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