EU Communication Workshop with YEAs – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


EU Communication Workshop with YEAs

3 December 2022 | Belgrade, Serbia

Young people in the EU and the Western Balkans live in an exciting time of connectivity and information-sharing. To be able to properly communicate with one another, and their peers, they need the skills and know-how. To be able to share with their peers all of the opportunities that the EU and their region offer to young people, they need to know how to find, understand and give information.

Young European Ambassadors have many roles: activists, leaders, game-changers, content creators, influencers but also communicators. Voices of their generation. In order to be able to properly form their ideas and messages, share the opportunities for youth, tell stories and motivate change, they need to dedicate their lives to lifelong learning and raising their own capacities. This is why WeBalkans has partnered with one of the leading Brussels-based communication agencies and engaged communication expert Gareth Harding.

Young European Ambassadors have attended the second workshop this year dedicated to youth-to-youth and EU-to-youth communication. Take a look at some photos from there and make sure you follow YEAs social media!

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