Webinar “Block the hatred, share the love” with Council of Europe – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


Webinar “Block the hatred, share the love” with Council of Europe

30 November to 2 December

Webinar “Block the hatred, share the love” with Council of Europe

30 November to 3 December


Hate speech is on the rise across Europe, jeopardizing social cohesion and putting human rights under threat. In the Western Balkans, hate speech particularly targets members of vulnerable groups, who have already been affected by stigma and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic. To counter this phenomenon, the European Union and the Council of Europe are launching today a new campaign for the Western Balkans – “Block the hatred. Share the love.”

The Webinar for the newly joined 60 YEAs shall be designed to enhance participants’ knowledge of human rights and non-discrimination, aiming at two main elements: participants to become familiarized with the latest developments in human rights and non-discrimination approaches and for participants to be able to apply some of the tools presented to them and discuss their role in boosting EU and COE No Hate Speech campaign.

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