YEAs meet with BIH EU Representatives – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


YEAs meet with BIH EU Representatives

21-23 November 2020

Our YEAs from BIH were active this November, discussing youth issues with EU Representatives on a high level!


YEAs from Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the discussion with Mr. Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy during his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along with the young people from Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO, Erasmus, Erasmus Alumni, etc., they sent a message that ‘Young people deserve to be given opportunities to grow and contribute to the Bosnia and Herzegovina of tomorrow’. The discussion followed HRVP’s public address “from Dayton to Brussels”.


Also, our YEAs had an online event in the form of an engaging discussion with H.E. Johann Sattler, EU Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina about Youth activism, Environment protection, and Culture.

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