Made of Us Travellers – Croatia – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Lessons from EU Membership

As the EU’s newest member, Croatia’s journey provides critical lessons for the Western Balkans. Key reforms—anti-corruption measures, judicial independence, and healthcare modernisation—enabled Croatia’s EU accession. These reforms not only improved governance but also reduced brain drain by creating local opportunities. Croatia’s example shows how the Western Balkans can follow a similar path, strengthening institutions and building public trust. Croatia’s healthcare and public service reforms, supported by EU funds, highlight how membership can transform a nation’s quality of life and economic prospects.

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Meet Our Influencers

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Tomislav Pancirov
Tomislav is a lifestyle entrepreneur and digital nomad who’s all about finding balance between work and life. He’s passionate about showing that big dreams can be achieved, often in ways simpler than expected, and right at home. His mission is to inspire others through his journey, whether it’s in business, health, or personal growth. For him, success isn’t measured by numbers but by knowing he’s motivated even one person to take action. Embracing freedom and connection, Tomislav thrives on the opportunity to learn from diverse cultures as he travels, all while appreciating the spirit of unity fostered by the European Union.
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Jelena Spendzarska
From politics to culture, there isn’t much Jelena has not covered on Kanal 5’s morning show in North Macedonia. Through years as a TV presenter and content creator, she has grown a valuable online community. Jelena is eager to share this road trip with them and explore how EU membership can inspire positive changes at home.
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