Episode 1: Coffee with YEA – Stefan Vukmanovic with Alessandro Da Rold – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


Coffee with YEA

Episode 1

Stefan Vukmanovic with Alessandro Da Rold

28 May 2021

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About this Podcast

WeBalkans is proud to present a unique online event featuring Europe’s brightest young leaders, who, through a number of creative means, have contributed to social change movements across the globe in areas such as human rights, the environment, digital technologies, journalism, international relations, and gender equality.

The WeBalkans initiative, together with the Young European Ambassadors, are both inspired by the notion that there is tremendous power within each of us, which, when unified, becomes a potent driver of positive change – even when faced with circumstances that appear insurmountable.

We also believe that technology itself carries limitless potential as a driver of positive change, and that online tools (including social media platforms) may be used to transform daring ideas into groundbreaking realities.

Moreover, we believe that it is indeed crucial to support brave thinkers who have begun walking this path of change by allowing them to tell us their stories – in the hope that they will inspire others who are equally passionate about such movements to join us.

Listen to this podcast also on Spotify or watch it on YouTube!

Stay tuned for the upcoming Coffee with YEA episodes on Youtube and Spotify!

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