TRAVEL, LEARN, SHARE the EU – Webinar for YEAs – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


TRAVEL, LEARN, SHARE the EU – Webinar for YEAs

18 November 2022 | Online

What is Erasmus MundusEuropean Solidarity Corps, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs? How can you discover the EU?

Last week YEAs organized a webinar about some EU opportunities and programmes that are offered to young people from the Western Balkans. Our YEAs, Megan CunguEmina BalotaElena StrezoskaUros Milutinovic, and Eliona Qerimi shared their experience about these programmes, explained how and where to apply and what are the benefits of participating in such EU opportunities.

The second part of the webinar was a discussion moderated by YEA Shpetim Ramadani and this was the chance for Uros CitakovicDzulisa Otuzbir, and Lenka Lalovic to give examples of good practices, talk about the perks and difficulties of living abroad and exchange and compare their involvements.

Make sure you follow our YEAs if you would like to find out more about what the EU can do for you and your education opportunities.

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