YEAs at Balkan Trafik Festival – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


YEAs at Balkan Trafik Festival

Youth Activism Debate

21st April 2021

YEAs at Cross-Border debates at Balkan Trafik


Although YEAs come from different backgrounds, all of them share an interest in learning about the EU’s values and opportunities. They are also eager to advocate for different topics such as intercultural learning, joint regional youth initiatives, local community initiatives, arts and culture, sport, digital technologies, environmental protection, human rights protection. Most importantly, YEAs are open to sharing ideas and developing their talents – towards inspiring change within their communities, the Western Balkans region, and across the EU.

Youth activism lies in the heart of YEA. Inspiring others and spreading the message of activism are the core values of YEAs. This is why our panel will be dedicated to activism in the online world, the only world we have had in the times of the global pandemic. Some of the crucial questions we will address are: is there activism under COVID measures? How can we use online tools to send our message? Does creativity stop with the pandemic? What can young people do in the online world to bring about positive change? Can social media and ZOOM become our unique creativity centers for those who think alike? Many interesting questions have been the focus of our appointment!

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  1. 11:00


    Debate #1: Together with our diversities


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    Moderator debates #1-5: Olaf Bruns, Brussels-based journalist

    • Philippe Close, Mayor of Brussels – Belgium (In the Studio, Brussels)
    • Normund Popens, EU Deputy Director General, Regional & Urban Policy in the European Commission (In the Studio, Brussels)
    • Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Instanbul – Turkey
    • Jasna Gabric, Mayor of Trbovlje and European Young Leader – Slovenia
    • Dominic Fritz, Mayor of Timișoara – Romania
    • Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana for International Affairs
  2. 12:00


    Debate #2: Freedom of expression


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    • Slawomir Tokarski, EU Director, Regional & Urban Policy (In the Studio, Brussels)
    • Fjoralba Caka, former Albanian Deputy-Minister of Justice
    • Vojin Cetkovic, Young European Ambassador from Montenegro
    • Milena Raznatovic, Project Manager of Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, representative of the Project MONET
    • Kristina Dimitrova, aspiring journalist
  3. 14:00


    Debate #3: Environment


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    • Jean-Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit, European Commission | DG REGIO – Unit D.1 Macro-regions, Transnational/Interregional/External Cooperation, Enlargement (In the studio, Brussels)
    • Marko Milutinovic, Young European Ambassador from Serbia
    • Jadranka Lacković, painter, mural artist (In the studio, Brussels)
    • Mirjana Bartula
  4. 15:30


    Debate #4: Inclusion


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    • Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner (In the studio, Brussels)
    • Danela Kortoci, Young European Ambassador from Albania
    • Jelena Plavetić, Head of Department for Horizontal Affairs, Directorate for European Territorial Cooperation Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia
    • Dragan Ristić, artist
    • Corina Raceanu
  5. 17:00


    Debate #5: Youth


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    • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner (In the studio, Brussels)
    • Dona Srdikj Lazarevska, Young European Ambassador from North Macedonia
    • Bojana Lalatovic, Young European Ambassador from Montenegro
    • Boris Lalić, writer and journalist – Sarajevo
    • Toni Jakimovski, Communication Officer in the Interreg – IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia
  6. 18:30


    Debate #6: Young European Ambassadors


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    • Milica Crkvenjakov, writer and production coordinator in film and animation (In the studio, Brussels)
    • Maciej Popowski, DG NEAR acting Director General (In the studio in Brussels)
    • Selena Tasic, YEA Public Diplomacy Manager, Moderator & Speaker (In the studio in Brussels)
    • Amina Kaja, Young European Ambassador from Kosovo
    • Armin Poljak, Young European Ambassador from Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Ali Mahmutćehajić, LBO Program Assistant, RYCO, Sarajevo, B&H for RYCO
    • Arron Pirku, student from Prizren (Kosovo)

Selena Tasic


Selena Tasic

YEA Public Diplomacy Manager, Moderator & Speaker

Selena is a Public Diplomacy Manager on the Young European Ambassadors project which is a part of Regional Communication Programme for the Western Balkans, funded by the European Commission. She  has been active in the field of media, communications and project management for the last 15 years, mainly working on the initiatives dedicated to EU integrations of the Western Balkans. She has started her career as a young activist and a journalist, dedicating her energy to the projects that dealt with youth and media.

Maciej Popowski


Maciej Popowski

Acting Director General – Directorate General Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations- European Commission

Maciej is a Polish politician who speaks five other languages. He had different political experiences as a diplomat or ambassador before joining European institutions in 2016. He first started as Deputy Director-General of DG NEAR and now he is Acting Director-General since 2020.

Amina Kaja


Amina Kaja

Young European Ambassador – Kosovo

Amina wants to become a neurosurgeon and is passionate about poetry. She also loves to draw, paint, debate, paly volleyball and swim. Amina sees herself as a positive and social person. She volunteers and participate in every project she can, including working with organizations such as OSCE, USAID, YIHR and many others.

Armin Poljak

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Armin Poljak

Young European Ambassador – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Armin is mainly interested in peace and youth activism. He is now a second-year undergraduate student in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. He is also part of the folklore club “Sanski Biseri” since 2012. According to Armin, both his volunteering experience with NGO’s and his membership in the folklore club have helped him develop his communication and organizational skills.

Ali Mahmutćehajić

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ali Mahmutćehajić

LBO Program Assistant, RYCO- Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ali studies International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. He is actively engaged in the work of CSO since 2013. His previous work involved organizing and coordinating projects for the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina (YIHRBiH) where he worked as a Program Assistant.

Arron Pirku


Arron Pirku


Arron is a 18-year-old student from Kosovo living and studying robotics in Prishtina. Dealing with social anxiety from an early age he started volunteering,  and recently he started  his very own podcast named Pirk’s View, centred around young successful people. Currently, he is working on ‘Në gjuhën tonë’, a project helping deaf people with online studies.

Milica Crkvenjakov


Milica Crkvenjakov

Writer, Moderator and Speaker

Milica is a writer and production coordinator in film and animation, studying Marketing and Public Relations at DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies. Her online profiles “Draga Devojcice/Dear Girl” focus on empowering girls and explaining all the intricacies of being a young woman under the slogan “Everything I wish I knew 10 years ago”. She is an active member of feminist and LGBTQ+ communities.

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