Iva Korović – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans
Iva Korović

Iva Korović







My name is Iva Korovic from Montenegro, I’m 19 years old and I study International relations at the faculty of Political Science in Podgorica. 

I am a double time cancer survivor and child cancer awareness advocate. I regularly attend webinars, seminars, workshops, summer schools, everything that can help me grow personally as much as I can. I am a young WB U-Report Ambassador. 

I took part in a student exchange programme during the school year of 2018/19. I was a proud member of the International Fellowship Class at the Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium in Marbach an Neckar, Germany. During that year, I enriched my language arsenal with knowledge in German.

My goal is to encourage any motivated young person to start learning languages, step foot into non formal education and broaden their knowledge with international experience, not only encourage them, but also aid them towards that goal. What I am particularly passionate about is curing relations of the youth from Western Balkans, and letting them know that their neighbours are not their enemies but in fact someone they can rest their head on in hard times. Despite the language barrier or religious differences, we cannot be more alike. The mistakes of the past our parents lived in should never bring us to hate each other. And my goal is to prove that to everyone that wants to listen and make others want to listen.

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