Uroš Milutinović – WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans
Uroš Milutinović

Uroš Milutinović







My name is Uroš Milutinović and I started volunteering with local NGOs and the Red Cross when I was 15, after that, I continued to work with a range of organizations. In 2019, I took part in organizing the Skopje Youth Summit, an event that gathered youth from the Western Balkans to discuss a wide range of topics, including transitional justice and regional cooperation.

I started studying politology at the University of Ljubljana in September 2020, with the goal of solidifying my knowledge of regional as well as European politics. In May 2021, I started working on a project with the Serbian National Youth Council to tackle the discrimination that LGBT youth suffer. I met with representatives of the local and state governments, including the minister for human rights, after conducting research on the position of LGBT youth. In July 2021, I joined UNICEF’s mental health advisory board, where I assisted UNICEF in developing an online platform for mental health, particularly for youth and minorities. That same month, I began working in the Franco-German Youth cooperation office’s “Let’s rock EU migration policy” project, which strives to educate the youth of the Balkan region, as well as France and Germany on issues migrants and refugees are facing. In August 2021, a podcast that I hosted and produced on the topic of nationalism in Serbia was released. I helped the Belgrade Pride team in organising over 40 events during pride week in September 2021, as well as assisting them on the day of the march.

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